My spiritual offerings have been finely polished to create powerful releases, deep healing, embodiment and most of all divine truth. My keen intuition and spiritual training is what allows me to do this level of work. Each session is unique and tailored to your specific needs.

Shamanic Journey
Powerful Intentional ceremony led by divine spirit & the ancestors tailored to your intention. These ceremonies are best suited for major releases, healing or welcoming something into your life including cord cutting, past life severing, ancestral healing, harmonizing your own energy, healing from major illness etc. Drumming, sound tools, and traditional herbal smudging is used to travel safely into the spirit world. In our 20-30 minute initial conversation, spirit team guides me to what realm we are to visit that aligns with your intention. Each session is unique & guided by the divine. Herbal tea is served. Overall report and suggestions are shared at the end to maintain harmony in self and day to day experience.
Exchange: $255

Energy Work
The physical, spiritual and emotional bodies are addressed in this session to release stagnation, low energy, anxiety, worry, past life wounds, energetic imbalances & blockages to restore vitality, overall wellbeing, inner peace and harmony within. This session is a unique custom blend of intentional touch, reiki, sound tools, stones, essential oils, herbal smudging, blessed waters, energy cleansing and sometimes mini shamanic journey. Many clients experience clarity, peaceful mind, renewed energy, focus, lessened to no pain that was once present before, physical healing, new opportunities in life, improved luck etc after first session. Although majority of people notice a difference after their first session, multiple sessions are suggested for optimal results especially for those who are seeking specific results.
1hr session $155
4 session package $555

Intuitive Readings
Messages are channeled about your family, career, fertility, wellbeing, business deals, relationships, spiritual blockages, remedies for life and more. Allow spirit to lead the reading about what in your life needs awareness and what steps are needed for radical results. Messages/visits from ancestors, spirit guides and angels are common. Every message that comes through the reading is relevent and should be taken serious for shifts to happen. An evaluation of your energetic, spiritual and physical body is shared and recipe to remedy it are provided in this reading. These are solution based readings to bring you truth and direction to your quality of life. No cards are used in this offering. Only smoke is used.
1/2 hr $66 | 1 hr $99

Ancestral Reading
Curious about what your ancestors have to say? We assess the quality state of being present in your ancestors and allow space for them to speak while uncovering what blockages may be present that may be affecting your quality of life, your family, finances, luck, spiritual growth & how they wish to be honored and what patterns are present within the ancestral blueprint. Suggestions on how to begin to release blockages are shared and how to bring in desired results. May include Ancestral tea & herbal smudging.
Exchange: 45 min $155

Hapé Ceremony
Hapé is a sacred indigenous medicine made from medicinal and sacred plants, including parts of roots, bark, leaves, seeds, and tobacco leaves resulting in a fine grounded powder that is blown by Erika into the nose using a tepi. Working with this potent medicine can provide deeper insight, visions, guidance, protection, spiritual cleansing and healing. In ceremony, we are working with the spirit Father Hape. It is recommended to arrive with an intention for your Hapé ceremony that can range from releasing to welcoming something into your life. He can be a powerful ally and teacher. Some Energy Work is included. NOTE: Hapé is legal in the United States. It does not contain any hallucinatory agents.
Exchange: 1.5 Hr $155

Home Blessing
A home visit dedicated to balancing the energies within the home to reflect peace, harmony within family, restful sleep and overall safety. A combination of herbal smudging, energy removal, extractions, land offerings (at times) with a full report of findings and instructions + suggestions of how to maintain the balance is provided. These visits are recommended when moving into a new home, significant change has occured, incident in home or overall when an uneasy energy is present within the home. Visit is an hour and includes up to an 30 min commute from central Phoenix.
Exchange $222 +
depending on location

Inner Restoration Intensive
Personalized energetic healing program to break free from very specific wounds that are creating pain and discomfort in your life.
This can include past life wounds, unhealthy personal traits, repeated patterns and behaviors, attracting specific type of people etc.
This is not a standard coaching program but a personalized journey to removing core blockages that are directly effecting your life, free self from all energetic cords that are preventing you from evolving and guiding you in reaching the next level of your life that is centered in growth, alignment and freedom
What’s Included in This Life-Changing Package?
1 Energetic Blueprint Discovery With Traditional Reading & Intention Setting.
2 Core Wound Breaking
Shamanic Journey Sessions
2 Deep Energy Clearing Sessions
1 Refinement Session To Maintain Energetic Alignment
Herbal Remedies Suggestions, Self Rituals, In between Session Support
Exchange: $1,222

All Day Alchemy
Coaching Experience
A full day in person with Erika as your personal coach to help you navigate live day to day situations aligned with spiritual principles. This day can be spent as a self care day, family engagements, work related activities or for any engagement you feel you need a personal coach on your side.
Tailored Guidance: We’ll focus on the areas of your life that need attention – from career decisions to family interactions, to self-care and personal goals.
• Mindful Activities: Practical exercises and spiritual tools designed to help you stay grounded, focused, and aligned in real time.
• Soulful Support: A productive compassionate space to explore, heal, and navigate life’s complexities with Erika by your side.
Exchange: $777 for a full day 11am-8pm

Ready To Book Your Session?
You may directly book any of these offerings without a consultation. Choose a time that aligns best for you or send me a email if current time slots do not align with your schedule. Visit FAQ for helpful tips and common questions about my offerings.